Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

tisdag 4 maj 2010


There is always going to be someone who is stronger than me, more flexible than me and more skillful than me.
But does that mean that I´m not enough?

When I feel that I have to do more and be more I try to look into why I think like that and often I find that I´m quite ok with me, but I think that "others" would be more ok with me if I changed a little bit.

But would these "others" like me more if I got a little bit stronger, a little bit more flexible and a little bit more skillful?
Either they like me already or they probably would´nt even notice the change I´m trying to make.

And when I push myself, in this unloving way, to become something else in hope of that someone else will think more of me than they do - all kinds of fears blossoms inside along with judgemental thoughts about myself.
But when I let go of all the things that I think someone else want me to be - everything comes easier.

I like to push myself -for me.
I like to explore my bodys options - for the fun of it!

2 kommentarer:

  1. I min värld är du bäst av alla, varma kramar mamma.

  2. ...och du är bäst i min! Den bästa förebilden av alla!!
