Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

torsdag 18 november 2010

Back on the f---ing program!

I feel a little bit like an old car who doesn´t really want to start when it´s cold. I´m not even sure I can start and keep on going in this cold. Brrrrr. (Thats mine engine sound.)

After working non-stop teaching and performing for 40 days without a brake - thats no brakes at all, not a single day off - my body and mind was a little bit like an old piece of clothing. Colors worn out, fabric worn out, not really in it´s original shape and form. Having the luxury to be taken care of by someone else than myself I´m up again flying. Aiming higher than ever!

So many things are about to happen!
I have this yogathing you can read about to the right. Come, show your support to the kids and their families, give away a small amount of money and get som yoga!
Friday 19/11 is a AcroME night. Come to WinWin at 3:e Långgatan in Gothenburg to see and meet me and Elaine and tons of other beautiful artists.
...and whats with december the 2ond?! Two different chrismasparties and one restaurantshow want me to perform... heard anything new about cloning? Tell me all about it!

Keep it real.

1 kommentar:

  1. Kul att träffa dig igen Milla. Ta hand om din kropp och själ även till dig själv inte bara till andra! Kram
