Hanging with darling Elaine Rydberg and Jimmy Hellgren (who's behind the camera).
Oktober the 1st
Jimmy is going to display some of his urban yogapictures at
Pilates Complete, Kastellgatan 1 in Gothenburg.

I think that he was hoping to get some more pictures to his portfolio and I'm not sure that he got that mission completed...

AcroME is'nt the easiest models. We just want to PLAY!

And stand on our hands =)

Namaste fellow breathers!

If you want to see more of Jimmy Hellgerns work don't stay home this saturday!
The time is

There will not be "just pictures".
You will also have the opportunity to try YogaWings!

When you get tiered of flying you can listen to Mack Johansson LIVE, how cool is that?

As if that was'nt enough you will also have the chance to enjoy Henrik Söderlings
"Practice Paintings".
Don't miss out on this. Come, bring your family, friends and inner child to enjoy all this different ways of playing with The Yoga.
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