I didn't think about the date when I planned the handstand playshop. It was just a friday in november. Thanks to the 10 (if I count myself we were 11) awesome yoginis and yogis that showed up it was an awesome evening!

This is not a november handstand, it's me playing at the Barcelona beach last summer.
The saturday after 11.11.11 with a less dramatic date was The Day for this years last AcroME workshop. As always there was sweat, laugther, acrodrilling and chilling going on from morning to afternoon.

This is not AcroME having coffee, it's me and bright shining Pernilla Josefsson taking a break.
And now it's Tosca-time. The opera, not the cookie.
Hoppas på att kunna vara med på er workshop nästa gång =)