torsdag 30 december 2010
Change is in the air!

A new year!
A whole new year!!
Endless possibilities!
Who and what do you want to bring with you into the new? What is time to leave behind? You do have a choice and a say in how you want your life to be.
As one of my beautiful yogini colleugues sad: Living is a verb!
This is the perfekt day to say Good Bye to all things that is holding you back and start enjoying living your life the way you want to enjoy and live it.
I can´t wait! I want to throw myself into the new and fill it with all those people and things that makes me grow and I dare you to do the same.
söndag 26 december 2010
Merry holidays!
lördag 18 december 2010
Santa is coming!
...and he is going to get stuff!
Gingerbread, saffron buns, raw fruit and nutrolls and fudge that taste licrice.
2day is the fourth sunday of advent and it´s the third and last
"Yoga for life"
-class. A donation-based yogaclass in favor for Barncancerfonden. Come, show your support to the kids and their families, give some money and get som yoga!
Details to the right.
onsdag 15 december 2010
Practice makes purrrfect!
torsdag 9 december 2010
Ego La La la
Years ago, near Santa Cruz, California, a member of the Hells Angels motorcycle gang started a fight with a tourist that turned into a melee. Asked what had happened to trigger his wrath, the biker declared, "He touched my bike. Man, you touch my bike, you touch me." This may seem like an extreme example of what the yogic texts call identifying the self with its limiting adjuncts, but it's not so different from what we so-called rational people do.
What do you identify yourself with?
Buddhist and Vedantic teachers are fond of saying that the ego is like the blue of the sky, or the apparent puddle in the middle of a desert-dry highway. It's an optical illusion, a simple mistake in the way we identify ourselves. That's why fighting your ego is like boxing with your reflection in the mirror, or trying to rid yourself of something you don't have. Now that neurobiologists seem to have reduced the sense of I-ness to a couple of brain chemicals, the ego looks more than ever to be a kind of involuntary mechanism, something beyond our personal control, just like the reflex that makes us go on breathing when we sleep.
So what are we fighting for?
Or is the problem that our egos isn´t big enough to stand above it all?
Ahamkara-love. 4 real!
Read the whole text "Sophisticated Ego" by Sally Kempton
What do you identify yourself with?
Buddhist and Vedantic teachers are fond of saying that the ego is like the blue of the sky, or the apparent puddle in the middle of a desert-dry highway. It's an optical illusion, a simple mistake in the way we identify ourselves. That's why fighting your ego is like boxing with your reflection in the mirror, or trying to rid yourself of something you don't have. Now that neurobiologists seem to have reduced the sense of I-ness to a couple of brain chemicals, the ego looks more than ever to be a kind of involuntary mechanism, something beyond our personal control, just like the reflex that makes us go on breathing when we sleep.
So what are we fighting for?
Or is the problem that our egos isn´t big enough to stand above it all?
Ahamkara-love. 4 real!
Read the whole text "Sophisticated Ego" by Sally Kempton
torsdag 2 december 2010
A ticket to Metal!!
Had a wonderful gig last night! I can use one word to describe the evening;

´Nuff said!
Now off to Oslo for a brief 26 hour vacation. I can use one word to describe that too;
And if you don´t know how to spend your sunday afternoon... come and do some donationbased yoga with me!! All details to the right, Qs becomes As if you ask them.
4 real.
tisdag 30 november 2010
Time to set new goals!
At this moment I´ve reached every mountaintop I´ve aimed for.
That´s kind of a wierd feeling...
At the beginning of 2010 I got a textmessage from my mom saying that she´s opened a special account for me with 365 happy days for me to spend during this year. Only having 31 of those left I want to mention a handfull of extraordinary people that peptalked me, pushed me and sometimes carried me so that I could get where I am 2day.
There are my 2 sisters of choice. I`ll see you weirdheads this weekend, it´s going to be legen... wait for it... dary!!
My brasilian breath of fresh air. You´re awesome!
And that cherublooking fellow... thanks for all your patience.
Never forgotten, there for me at all times; my family.
Keep it real!
That´s kind of a wierd feeling...
At the beginning of 2010 I got a textmessage from my mom saying that she´s opened a special account for me with 365 happy days for me to spend during this year. Only having 31 of those left I want to mention a handfull of extraordinary people that peptalked me, pushed me and sometimes carried me so that I could get where I am 2day.
There are my 2 sisters of choice. I`ll see you weirdheads this weekend, it´s going to be legen... wait for it... dary!!
My brasilian breath of fresh air. You´re awesome!
And that cherublooking fellow... thanks for all your patience.
Never forgotten, there for me at all times; my family.
Keep it real!
tisdag 23 november 2010
One of those for everybody!
torsdag 18 november 2010
Back on the f---ing program!
I feel a little bit like an old car who doesn´t really want to start when it´s cold. I´m not even sure I can start and keep on going in this cold. Brrrrr. (Thats mine engine sound.)
After working non-stop teaching and performing for 40 days without a brake - thats no brakes at all, not a single day off - my body and mind was a little bit like an old piece of clothing. Colors worn out, fabric worn out, not really in it´s original shape and form. Having the luxury to be taken care of by someone else than myself I´m up again flying. Aiming higher than ever!
So many things are about to happen!
I have this yogathing you can read about to the right. Come, show your support to the kids and their families, give away a small amount of money and get som yoga!
Friday 19/11 is a AcroME night. Come to WinWin at 3:e Långgatan in Gothenburg to see and meet me and Elaine and tons of other beautiful artists.
...and whats with december the 2ond?! Two different chrismasparties and one restaurantshow want me to perform... heard anything new about cloning? Tell me all about it!
Keep it real.
After working non-stop teaching and performing for 40 days without a brake - thats no brakes at all, not a single day off - my body and mind was a little bit like an old piece of clothing. Colors worn out, fabric worn out, not really in it´s original shape and form. Having the luxury to be taken care of by someone else than myself I´m up again flying. Aiming higher than ever!
So many things are about to happen!
I have this yogathing you can read about to the right. Come, show your support to the kids and their families, give away a small amount of money and get som yoga!
Friday 19/11 is a AcroME night. Come to WinWin at 3:e Långgatan in Gothenburg to see and meet me and Elaine and tons of other beautiful artists.
...and whats with december the 2ond?! Two different chrismasparties and one restaurantshow want me to perform... heard anything new about cloning? Tell me all about it!
Keep it real.
måndag 8 november 2010
Mail from The Universe
Got this in my inbox:
Don't be afraid to go where you've never gone and do what you've never done, Milla, because both are necessary to have what you've never had and be who you've never been.
Be the ball,
The Universe
Think about it =)
Don't be afraid to go where you've never gone and do what you've never done, Milla, because both are necessary to have what you've never had and be who you've never been.
Be the ball,
The Universe
Think about it =)
torsdag 4 november 2010
Crazy saturday!
Dressing up and trickORtreat-ing =)
Started early on the road with Trevlad and Jimbo, on our way to perform at the grand opening of a recyclingstation together with slapstick/acrobats Nisse and Fingal.
Yeah, you got it right;
performing at the grand opening of a recyclingstation.
Hats of for Alingsås kommun that puts the environment on stage
Dressing up and trickORtreat-ing =)
Started early on the road with Trevlad and Jimbo, on our way to perform at the grand opening of a recyclingstation together with slapstick/acrobats Nisse and Fingal.
Yeah, you got it right;
performing at the grand opening of a recyclingstation.
Hats of for Alingsås kommun that puts the environment on stage
and in the
Lots of love to you.
Then there was time for my last evening at Cabaret Lorensberg.
It rocked!!
Love to all you beutiful artists that helped me grow as a person and a performer.
See on a stage real soon!
After that,
Lots of love to you.
Then there was time for my last evening at Cabaret Lorensberg.
It rocked!!
Love to all you beutiful artists that helped me grow as a person and a performer.
See on a stage real soon!
After that,
being Halloween-night it had to be crazy,
I had a sparkling fireshow with,
to celebrate the evening, a very blue, not in mood - in skincolor,
Thanx to Sanna and all her guests!
Over and out =)
Thanx to Sanna and all her guests!
Over and out =)
tisdag 26 oktober 2010
Last week
I only have four nights left at Cabaret Lorensberg.
True to my habit I´ve been giving the fact that I´m going to leave all these wonderful artists soon and continue working on my own a lot of thought... Even in the begining my thoughts were already at the end.
What is really importent in life?
It´s certinally not the fact that everything has to end!
It´s about meeting, exploring and embrasing each moment as it is. And it´s about beeing so true and honest to yourself that you can meet yourself in each moment.
Can I walk the talk?
lördag 23 oktober 2010
onsdag 20 oktober 2010
Working 2gether...
The thing I love the most about working at Lorensbergs Cabarén is having co-workers!
Thats a rare thing for a self employed acrobat and yogateacher, and it´s precious!!
torsdag 14 oktober 2010
First night no 2
A week went by with a loud WHOOOOSH!! Moving in lightspeed it´s hard to keep track on fingernails that needs trimming and wash that needs washing. But I can handle it, I hope.....
A week ago I worked and performed my first night at Cabaret Lorensberg. Lucky me I managed to dislocate my thumb between the last minute rehersal and my first stageapperance, so I figured nothing more could go wrong - and it didn´t!!
Saturday is from now on for ever and ever a special night, it was the first night AcroME entered a stage together! Due to my sored thumb we had a last minute change with some stunts in the act, witch we remembered =) and it went totally awesome!

I just love the stage, the emotions bare for everyone to see and feel and al the different ways to express and translate them.
It´s magic!
A week ago I worked and performed my first night at Cabaret Lorensberg. Lucky me I managed to dislocate my thumb between the last minute rehersal and my first stageapperance, so I figured nothing more could go wrong - and it didn´t!!
Saturday is from now on for ever and ever a special night, it was the first night AcroME entered a stage together! Due to my sored thumb we had a last minute change with some stunts in the act, witch we remembered =) and it went totally awesome!

I just love the stage, the emotions bare for everyone to see and feel and al the different ways to express and translate them.
It´s magic!
torsdag 7 oktober 2010
First night no 1
2night is premiere night.
It´s the first of several evenings that I will be performing at Cabaret Lorensberg in Gothenburg.
I´m so excited!
Saturday will be a premiere night to. An AcroMe premiere. Whoopa!!
It´s the first of several evenings that I will be performing at Cabaret Lorensberg in Gothenburg.
I´m so excited!
I´m going to stiltwalk,
drive the taxi,
duo aerial net with singer Joel Börjesson,
solo aerial chains with Lollo Gardtman on vocals and Dan Lindén playning piano,
after that I will assist in a amazing balansing act
- and I´m a bit nervous about that... -
and then I will do some clowning and ballooooonsculptures!
Oh la la. Busy, busy night. Just the way I like it!Saturday will be a premiere night to. An AcroMe premiere. Whoopa!!
söndag 3 oktober 2010
söndag 26 september 2010
tisdag 21 september 2010
It is just two weeks left before you can come and watch me perform at http://www.lorensberg.com/!
2morrow it´s trying on costumes for the show and a visit at the hairdresser.
Happy luxurious day =)
If you haven´t booked your ticket jet - do it!
Me and my chains will be there until the end of october.
fredag 17 september 2010
måndag 13 september 2010
Scary, wonderful,thing.
To dare to fall
To admit to yourself that you have fallen
To express your feelings
It´s a scary, wonderful thing
onsdag 8 september 2010
I´m soooo sick.
I can´t even remember when I last felt this ill. It even hurts to walk. My joints are eaching and my hamstrings are shorter than ever.
Naturally I have a important photoshoot in a few hours. Acrobalancing together with beautiful, talanted and superstrong Elaine Rydberg http://elainerydberg.com/. Since my influenza is giving me some balancing troubles and I feel like falling over laying down we´ll see how that goes...
Friday I have a important meeting and not one but two aerial performances.
It´s never convenient to get sick, but could it have waited to next week??
Boosting up on vitamin C and ginger.
I can´t even remember when I last felt this ill. It even hurts to walk. My joints are eaching and my hamstrings are shorter than ever.
Naturally I have a important photoshoot in a few hours. Acrobalancing together with beautiful, talanted and superstrong Elaine Rydberg http://elainerydberg.com/. Since my influenza is giving me some balancing troubles and I feel like falling over laying down we´ll see how that goes...
Friday I have a important meeting and not one but two aerial performances.
It´s never convenient to get sick, but could it have waited to next week??
Boosting up on vitamin C and ginger.
fredag 3 september 2010
XTRA yogaclasses this weekend
There are three (3) xtra classes for you yogafreaks to attend if you are eager to get deep into those jummy hipjoints =)
Haga Badet HOT
Hagabadet Mixed
Active Wellness Mixed
I´m also going to do some yoga of my own.
Three (3) hour inversion class for Camilla Bergström saturday morning! Turning it up/side and get down with it!!
Dare to fall in love
Haga Badet HOT
Hagabadet Mixed
Active Wellness Mixed
I´m also going to do some yoga of my own.
Three (3) hour inversion class for Camilla Bergström saturday morning! Turning it up/side and get down with it!!
Dare to fall in love
onsdag 1 september 2010
lördag 31 juli 2010
Five elements
I am performing three elements i two days!
Friday: pirate/water
Saturday: firedancing/fire
aerial net/air
All moving on and off earth
in and out of space.
High 5
fredag 23 juli 2010
What is the Matrix
If the world we live in is an illusion, there are
(the way I see it)
two ways you can choose.
You can choose the blue pill, shrug your shoulders and go on in lifes rollercoaster of suffering and joy without exploring the "there is no spoon-concept".
Or you can chose the red pill, ignore the laws of physics and gravity and dare yourself to see what might happen if you take the leap.
You can choose the blue pill, shrug your shoulders and go on in lifes rollercoaster of suffering and joy without exploring the "there is no spoon-concept".
Or you can chose the red pill, ignore the laws of physics and gravity and dare yourself to see what might happen if you take the leap.
Lets tumble down the rabbithole!!
onsdag 21 juli 2010
Pictures on my skin
"I got hiccups"
Were the words Emma at http://www.littlebirdtattoo.com/ said to me when Iarrived at her studio yesterday. Those are not the words you want to hear from your tattooartist =)
fredag 16 juli 2010
I belive that things that you don´t deal with that really needs dealing with get stored in your body.
If you don´t get the closure that you need and deserve you can cary the fear and pain forever in your body in the form of a tight muscle or a sore shoulder.
Maybe you have learned to shut up your mind and quiet your thoughts and push away what ever it might be from your memory...
But as they say in the movies :
You can run,
but you can´t hide.
I had this painful experience in january that just kept on expanding and getting built on for what seemed like forever -
and more or less from the exact same moment I´ve been having trouble with my calfmuscles.
Yesterday I got this really painful "massage" from a colleague of mine, and suddenly as she was "abusing" my calfmuscles I got the feeling of surrender. It was time to let go.
All evening after the treatment I felt emotionally drained and when I woke up this morning I felt sad.
But it is a sadness filled with freedom!
If you don´t get the closure that you need and deserve you can cary the fear and pain forever in your body in the form of a tight muscle or a sore shoulder.
Maybe you have learned to shut up your mind and quiet your thoughts and push away what ever it might be from your memory...
But as they say in the movies :
You can run,
but you can´t hide.
I had this painful experience in january that just kept on expanding and getting built on for what seemed like forever -
and more or less from the exact same moment I´ve been having trouble with my calfmuscles.
Yesterday I got this really painful "massage" from a colleague of mine, and suddenly as she was "abusing" my calfmuscles I got the feeling of surrender. It was time to let go.
All evening after the treatment I felt emotionally drained and when I woke up this morning I felt sad.
But it is a sadness filled with freedom!
måndag 12 juli 2010
Hairy ass
A busy week has past by in warpspeed!
It´s been daily yogaclasses. Giving or taking.
It´s been acting. http://www.indigofilm.se/Indigofilm/Home.html
It´s been horsebackriding
It´s also been Port du Soleil, I just love that club! Check it out http://finest.se/imageGallery/gallery_popup.php?igid=7153&iid=394247&pageNum=17#
måndag 5 juli 2010
Punk goes clowning!
Again it´s been an awesome weekend!
I´ve been visiting my family and watching my brothers thatrical debut.
Of course he was outstandingly good!!
Not only did you play the part of the king
you were the
of the whole tjobang!
Saturday night I was clowning at Park Lane, making baloon figures and people happy =)
This is part of the clown that you maybe saw on the Avenue nightclub, missing a blue wig and some other details (like oldschool-tatoo panties)
Hope to see you all on a dancefloor soon!!
söndag 20 juni 2010
This weekend in pictures
Vilma loves water!
My only true prince!
If you look real close at the dot between the trees you may notice the deer that he is checking out =)
The loving husbands and fathers in Amon Amorath.
If you look real close at the dot between the trees you may notice the deer that he is checking out =)
(Hope they forgive me for outing them.)
An other successful evening in the celing at http://www.peacockdinnerclub.com/soleil/

torsdag 17 juni 2010
Here, there and a bit of everywhere
Swooosched down to Haga Badet on my bike 2day!
I finaly got my ironhorse out from the stable =)
Later this afternoon I will swooosch away on my bike to Nia Movementcenter and then off to practice some acroyoga with beutiful Elaine Rydberg http://elainerydberg.com/
I will take a wild guess here but probably all the swooosching are going to get noticed in my thighs 2morrow!
Saturday I´ll get an other good look at the dancing crowd at Port du Soleil, Kajsjul 8 here in Gothenburg. But this time I wont be entertaining alone. I´ll be working with tall stiltwalker Kix, a Jakkin Wiss creation http://jakkinwiss.com/
And for all you dedicated yogis and yoginis here are 2 xtra classes this week:
Friday 18/6 12-13 Sats Kungsgatan
Sunday 20/6 10.15-11.30 Nordic Club Andas
Love and yellow SUNshine
I finaly got my ironhorse out from the stable =)
Later this afternoon I will swooosch away on my bike to Nia Movementcenter and then off to practice some acroyoga with beutiful Elaine Rydberg http://elainerydberg.com/
I will take a wild guess here but probably all the swooosching are going to get noticed in my thighs 2morrow!
Saturday I´ll get an other good look at the dancing crowd at Port du Soleil, Kajsjul 8 here in Gothenburg. But this time I wont be entertaining alone. I´ll be working with tall stiltwalker Kix, a Jakkin Wiss creation http://jakkinwiss.com/
And for all you dedicated yogis and yoginis here are 2 xtra classes this week:
Friday 18/6 12-13 Sats Kungsgatan
Sunday 20/6 10.15-11.30 Nordic Club Andas
Love and yellow SUNshine
söndag 13 juni 2010
Get in the flow!
onsdag 9 juni 2010
Slumber party
Summer finaly arrived along with a whole lot of new and old friends.
Attending a theraputic acroyoga immersion and have my dear friend Maria (aka Mary Mayhem) staying with me for almost a week were like a 5 day around the clock slumber party!
tisdag 1 juni 2010
torsdag 27 maj 2010
Hair hair!
I am having a tremendous hairday! That´s always something, because besides that I look and feel more or less like a zombie.
Hence the sunglasses =)
Since yesterday I´ve been driving 1000km from Gothenburg to Sundsbyholm and back to Gothenburg to work with 3 amazingly skilled and humble artists.
Zack Segelström http://anticlown.se/
Mr Yokke Pink http://www.mrpink.se/
John-Henry Larsson http://www.john-henry.se/
Thanx again guys!!
I will, from now on, frequently update my yogaschedule because it will change from week to week all june.
Hope I´ll see you on the mat!
fredag 21 maj 2010
Circus and music
This tuesday Zeniou Event made a show to remember for 3200 kids in Alingsås kommun!
Micke Maskin, whom you might have seen in the swedish talant show latley, did his robotact, Zeniou performed with aerial ring and silks, Mattias Lindström stunned the audience with his roue cyr and together with his brother Mikael Lindström (Micke Maskin) they made everybody gasp for air with daring jumps and flips on stilts!
The kids were screaming of joy and excitment and they couldn´t belive their ears, or their eyes, when brilliant confrencier for the day Jesper Sjöberg told them that there was more to enjoy and brought Erik Saade up on stage. 3200 kids clapping hands, screaming, jumping and singing along when Erik entertained with the song he competed with in the swedish eurovision song contest.
It was a blast!
söndag 16 maj 2010
Up, down and around
As you can see, I changed my hair!
Besides getting a haircut, working, doing a stunt in a swedish tv series and moving my pony to a new stable I have also been attending a beutiful workshop with master yogi Jonathan Monks. I truly adore him and the way he moves!
This past weekend has been filled with yogaclasses and teachertraining and this upcoming week is a potpurri of practice, yogaclasses and a secret event with secret artists that I will tell you more about in a few days.
L.o.v.e. & Play!!
fredag 7 maj 2010
Due to the law of balance? Hardly.
It´s going so well I have to pinch myself several times a day just to check that I´m not dreaming.
Workwise that is.
My private life is at best chaotic and most of the time dramatic.
But the challenges that my daily life teats me with forces me to grow in a awesome way, and I really think that thats why everything else is turning out so tremendlously!
There is a law about balance. When something is going not so great something else is going better to even things out.
But I don´t think that me doing well with both yogaclasses and performing is all to even out the turbulence in my life off the mat and on the ground...
(yoga and aerial joke)
I think that it´s because I´m ready and humble enough to handle it.
I´ve grown in a way that make me welcome my successes and celebrate them.
as they say in the commercial,
I´m worth it!
tisdag 4 maj 2010
There is always going to be someone who is stronger than me, more flexible than me and more skillful than me.
But does that mean that I´m not enough?
When I feel that I have to do more and be more I try to look into why I think like that and often I find that I´m quite ok with me, but I think that "others" would be more ok with me if I changed a little bit.
But would these "others" like me more if I got a little bit stronger, a little bit more flexible and a little bit more skillful?
Either they like me already or they probably would´nt even notice the change I´m trying to make.
And when I push myself, in this unloving way, to become something else in hope of that someone else will think more of me than they do - all kinds of fears blossoms inside along with judgemental thoughts about myself.
But when I let go of all the things that I think someone else want me to be - everything comes easier.
I like to push myself -for me.
I like to explore my bodys options - for the fun of it!
But does that mean that I´m not enough?
When I feel that I have to do more and be more I try to look into why I think like that and often I find that I´m quite ok with me, but I think that "others" would be more ok with me if I changed a little bit.
But would these "others" like me more if I got a little bit stronger, a little bit more flexible and a little bit more skillful?
Either they like me already or they probably would´nt even notice the change I´m trying to make.
And when I push myself, in this unloving way, to become something else in hope of that someone else will think more of me than they do - all kinds of fears blossoms inside along with judgemental thoughts about myself.
But when I let go of all the things that I think someone else want me to be - everything comes easier.
I like to push myself -for me.
I like to explore my bodys options - for the fun of it!
onsdag 28 april 2010
A day at work
fredag 23 april 2010
Life is there even when you´re not in it.
Walking my dog this morning I realized that I was not at all in the experience.
We had come more than half way when I almost tripped over a tree that had fallen over the path.
A tree!! Time to open my eyes and wake UP!
I`ve been in my head missing out on the surroundings - thinking about plans that I´ve made in the past that never will be carried out.
Plans that I made that never will happen because I was so in to making this plans that I missed what was happening around me, in my life.
How is that for irony?
It´s never to late to be in the now.
We had come more than half way when I almost tripped over a tree that had fallen over the path.
A tree!! Time to open my eyes and wake UP!
I`ve been in my head missing out on the surroundings - thinking about plans that I´ve made in the past that never will be carried out.
Plans that I made that never will happen because I was so in to making this plans that I missed what was happening around me, in my life.
How is that for irony?
It´s never to late to be in the now.
söndag 18 april 2010
tisdag 13 april 2010
torsdag 8 april 2010
Busy bee
This week has been awesome!
Two audiotions that went outstanding.
Sunny days.
A smile on my face that wont go away.
Energizing yogaclasses.
And the cold is slowly letting me go.
On monday next week I´ll have my first aerial chains audition, that has put a whole farm of butterfleis in my tummy already. Nervous or not, it is going to be so much fun and I´m really looking forward to it!
I´ve also been invited to two different breakfast-businessmeetings. One together with brilliant, multitalented aerialacrobat Maria Zeniou and one...
måndag 5 april 2010
Candy overload
For the last, give or take, five days my daily diet has been based on candy. It´s not the best kind of diet, I know that, but due to the Easter holiday the candy has just been everywhere. And in my defence I´ve been far to sick to prepare any proper food.
This terrible cold as been bugging me all week and stoping me from practice.
But today all that is going to change:
I´m going to ignore my cold, hoping that it will get bored of me when I don´t give it any attention. Watching old Csi-episodes didn´t make it go away so this is my new stategy.
I´m going to eat food instead of candy. (That has to be a winner!)
And I´m going to practice, practice, practice and then practice some more.
Tonight it´s AcroYoga night!
Hope I´ll see you there.
Love, Light and Flight =)
This terrible cold as been bugging me all week and stoping me from practice.
But today all that is going to change:
I´m going to ignore my cold, hoping that it will get bored of me when I don´t give it any attention. Watching old Csi-episodes didn´t make it go away so this is my new stategy.
I´m going to eat food instead of candy. (That has to be a winner!)
And I´m going to practice, practice, practice and then practice some more.
Tonight it´s AcroYoga night!
Hope I´ll see you there.
Love, Light and Flight =)
måndag 29 mars 2010
Learning to fly!
It´s been an awsome weekend. I can´t stop smiling, and I hope I won´t.
Love, light and flight!
Thank you Simon, You made it easy =)
My homegirl Sara is visiting from Oslo and I have plans to grab a lunch with a tremendous bass player from GB.
Is this international week or what?!
fredag 26 mars 2010
And there was light
My dress for the evening has a story of it´s own. It was a journey to find it but it turned out perfect and I was looking exactly like a famous painting of Leornardo da Vinci!
It´s been a good week.
Last friday I were stiltwalking at the opening of And there was light.
Since then I´ve been teaching a lot of yogaclasses, been sportsclimbing with joyful A.N., meeting up with a long, long time ago lost love, been to danceclass and practicing.
It´s been some really lifeturning events in my life recently and I decided to start ceeping a journal of my thoughts and findings about myself and my feelings. I have been recommended to do that from my teachers and I think it can be a good way for me not to loose what I find out and ceeping me from falling back into destructive patterns.
Life is a exciting rollercoaster!
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