Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

torsdag 17 juni 2010

Here, there and a bit of everywhere

Swooosched down to Haga Badet on my bike 2day!
I finaly got my ironhorse out from the stable =)
Later this afternoon I will swooosch away on my bike to Nia Movementcenter and then off to practice some acroyoga with beutiful Elaine Rydberg
I will take a wild guess here but probably all the swooosching are going to get noticed in my thighs 2morrow!

Saturday I´ll get an other good look at the dancing crowd at Port du Soleil, Kajsjul 8 here in Gothenburg. But this time I wont be entertaining alone. I´ll be working with tall stiltwalker Kix, a Jakkin Wiss creation

And for all you dedicated yogis and yoginis here are 2 xtra classes this week:
Friday 18/6 12-13 Sats Kungsgatan
Sunday 20/6 10.15-11.30 Nordic Club Andas

Love and yellow SUNshine

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