Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

lördag 30 april 2011

Home Alone!

With J off rolling hats in Copenhagen I got some nicely wrapped me-time.
I love spending time with myself and be alone with my own company listening to interveiws with quantum physicists (yeah, 4 real), reading, watching movies, study yoga. I also got most of my summerschedule planned and started to look at yogaclasses this autumn.

Yesterday I met up with burlesquequeen Jenny Gustavsson, the girl that walks the talk!

How many do you know and spend time with that accually not just talk (/complain/pray) but brings it! Stands up for themselves and others. Jenny are a hero and one of the bravest persons I know.

Tagging along on our eveningquest were also M and the one and only Elaine Rydberg.
And where were we heading, you might ask? To the circus ofcourse!!

Absolutly most brilliant in this show were talented Elin König Andersson. We all fell in love with her skills, her stage precence and her stunning looks!

Today there will be even more circus... and a babyhorse.

tisdag 26 april 2011

You are a Superhero!!

There are, the way I see it, three kinds of superheros.
Superheros like Superman. He is a born superhero and has genuine superpowers. He came to earth as a baby, wraped in his mantle (the red one that he wears to his supermancostume). Everyday he play dress up and goes to work as Clark Kent. Superman pretends to be an average person.

And then you have superheros like Spiderman. A normal, maybe a bit geeky, person without longing for superpowers that becomes a mutation. Peter Parker, aka Spiderman, got a nasty bite from a radioactive spider and that gave him his superpowers.

The third kind are superheros like Batman. He has no superpowers, but a distinguish urge to make a difference. Batman is created by Bruce Wayne to deal with his childhood trauma of watching his parents get murdered.

We are all superheros to someone...
I know what kind of superhero I am and I am aware of some of my powers.
But how about you?

What kind of superhero are you?
Are you a born superhero and everyday, after you rolled out of bed, you dress up to blend in and look human?

Are you the kind of superhero that get your powers from contact with a special item or person or activity?

Or are your powers born in the shadows of your past and a great longing to be a part of some kind of change?

...and remeber
as Peter Parkers uncle and acroyoga founder Jason Nemer always says
with great power comes great responsibility

4 real

onsdag 20 april 2011

Egg. Egging? Egged!

Half egg-pose.

Fried egg-pose.

Ultimate egg-pose.

Hatched chicken-pose.

söndag 17 april 2011

New week

... new training schedule.

My acropartner, the one and only and completly brilliant Elaine Rydberg is forced to take a break due to an injured shoulder. So no duo-acro this week.

Well... maybe a little =)

Meeting extraordinary aerialist Maria Zeniou for inspiration and HELP several times this week since I, just like Britney Spears,


Did it again.

I have sold an act in a dicipline that I don´t master.

Stupid, you might think. But just like Britney, I have done it before and doing (stupid) things like that forces me to push my limit.

Correction: forces me to MOVE my limit

- somewere else. Maybe it can take a holiday in Thailand?

Yesterday I had a successfull photosession with J.

Prof visible later this week!


fredag 15 april 2011

måndag 11 april 2011

Tattoo Expo!!

It´s been a fab weekend.

Teaching with AcroME partner in crime Elaine Rydberg and performing at Tattoo Expo no7!

I need to perform.

Performance keeps my blood pumping and my breath flowing.

There´s nothing like it.

It keeps me alive.

söndag 3 april 2011

Ed Hardly Yoga?

All yogis preach that love is life and so does Christian Aguiler I belive.

Living, breathing and thinking thoughts of love really do have to kill you slowly if it´s the key to life

=) Who among all yogis tries not to dishonor their bodys, their mind, the way they think about things, friends, family, mommy earth and all living and breathing in this world?

For as long as they live.