Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

lördag 30 april 2011

Home Alone!

With J off rolling hats in Copenhagen I got some nicely wrapped me-time.
I love spending time with myself and be alone with my own company listening to interveiws with quantum physicists (yeah, 4 real), reading, watching movies, study yoga. I also got most of my summerschedule planned and started to look at yogaclasses this autumn.

Yesterday I met up with burlesquequeen Jenny Gustavsson, the girl that walks the talk!

How many do you know and spend time with that accually not just talk (/complain/pray) but brings it! Stands up for themselves and others. Jenny are a hero and one of the bravest persons I know.

Tagging along on our eveningquest were also M and the one and only Elaine Rydberg.
And where were we heading, you might ask? To the circus ofcourse!!

Absolutly most brilliant in this show were talented Elin König Andersson. We all fell in love with her skills, her stage precence and her stunning looks!

Today there will be even more circus... and a babyhorse.

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