Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

måndag 26 november 2012

Feng Shui

Found this picture on a friends facebook wall (facebook is my "wall of wisdom") and it was like somebody switch on a lightbulb above my head. I could actually hear myself thinking: Aha!!
I have two persons in my life that I have done everything I possible can to show how much I enjoy their company, to practice with them and to perform with them but I never really get anything back.
One of them constantly show me in every way that I'm not good enough. The other one is a slippery phoney that always makes me feel unsure of myself.
So I've desided that when I move to my new apartment on saturday and are doing the final cleaning and getting rid of old clutter I'm also leaving them behind.
It's time for som life feng shui. My dragon deserves room to wag it's tail :)

fredag 23 november 2012


 I've got my first "bad" reveiw.
Actually, I'm not even sure it's bad...
It sad that I was young looking - and that can not count as bad in todays society.
It sad that I was a handstand acrobat - witch I'm defently not.
But everyone is intited to their own oppinion and if this reporter want to think of me as a handstander I'm not going to be the one to correct him (note that I'm presented as an aerial acrobat).
I have'nt even thought about thinking of myself as a handstand acrobat.
Maybe I should!

torsdag 15 november 2012

Down the rabbit hole!

I am one of those people whom constantly puts themselfs in uncomfortable situations.
The reason why I do that is because I know I can handle it.
Stepping out of my comfort zone forces me to develop.
I am one of those people whom would never settle with whatever they know that they're already good at. I always want more.
That is why this next tuesday, 20 November, I will perform one (maybe two) brand new acts in, for me, one (maybe two) brand new diciplines!!
I am excited!
I am nervous.
I am scared stiff.

fredag 9 november 2012

The end of an era.

I've sold my apartment 2day.
Mixed emotions.
I've been living in this building for twelve years or something. Three of my great, great loves have been living here with me in three different apartments. All three loves are long gone for different reasons and now I'm leaving too. It's time.
It's time for the future. For new paths and new beginnings. For new memories.

A nother thing that is new - and kind of suprising for those who know how I feel about velcro - is my bad ass shoes!! With velcro. And not in a "I don't know how to tie my shoes" kind of way, but the only possible way!!

So, in truth, it's actually the end of two eras. The end of the "hell no to velcro"-era and the end of "I want to live in the city"-era. Because when I move, when I leave this place where I've been living for quite some time, I'm moving downtown!!

 That's right, I'm a city girl!!

lördag 3 november 2012

New perspectives.

A busride to Oslo that started on the same route as I drive when I'm going to the stable or to vistit my sister.
Driving myself I have one veiw. Riding the bus I have a different one.
Same road. Same sights. Same trees and buildings. Different prespective.
Looking at my new veiw on familiar sights it's super clear to me how looking at a situation in a different way makes the whole situation different.
So if you are stubburnly banging your head at a wall and contantly getting the same results – why don't use the door instead of trying to knock the wall down with your forehead?

Like one of my teachers sad to me when I was stuck in a difficult acro-move and I could'nt get it working: Make a different misstake. That was his advice to me, to everyone.

Make a different mistake.

Get new perspectives.

Get un-stuck.