Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

måndag 26 november 2012

Feng Shui

Found this picture on a friends facebook wall (facebook is my "wall of wisdom") and it was like somebody switch on a lightbulb above my head. I could actually hear myself thinking: Aha!!
I have two persons in my life that I have done everything I possible can to show how much I enjoy their company, to practice with them and to perform with them but I never really get anything back.
One of them constantly show me in every way that I'm not good enough. The other one is a slippery phoney that always makes me feel unsure of myself.
So I've desided that when I move to my new apartment on saturday and are doing the final cleaning and getting rid of old clutter I'm also leaving them behind.
It's time for som life feng shui. My dragon deserves room to wag it's tail :)

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