Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

fredag 9 november 2012

The end of an era.

I've sold my apartment 2day.
Mixed emotions.
I've been living in this building for twelve years or something. Three of my great, great loves have been living here with me in three different apartments. All three loves are long gone for different reasons and now I'm leaving too. It's time.
It's time for the future. For new paths and new beginnings. For new memories.

A nother thing that is new - and kind of suprising for those who know how I feel about velcro - is my bad ass shoes!! With velcro. And not in a "I don't know how to tie my shoes" kind of way, but the only possible way!!

So, in truth, it's actually the end of two eras. The end of the "hell no to velcro"-era and the end of "I want to live in the city"-era. Because when I move, when I leave this place where I've been living for quite some time, I'm moving downtown!!

 That's right, I'm a city girl!!

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