Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

söndag 22 maj 2011

You are only as good...

... as you think you are.

What ever you spend time practicing you will get better at, the things that you keep on repeting you will become an expert at.

What are you practicing?

Where do you put your mental focus?

Are you practicing beeing worried, letting the same negative thougts roll in a loop inside your head and are you disparaging to yourself?

If thats what you´re up to - that is what you are going to become an expert at!

The longer you keep the pattern the stronger and more deeply rooted it will get.

Ask yourself:

Is your mental practice proportional to whom you want to be and the goals you want to reach?

Don´t think you´re less than fucking perfect!!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Så klart jag är "fucking perfect". Tack Milla :-)

  2. Halloj! Jag undrar vad din tatuering runt benet betyder? :)

  3. Ewa, du är perfektion persionifierad!
    Anonym, det är fyra små tatts. Tecknet för tiger, tecknet för skytt, en pappersdrake och en text: Endast motvind kan få en drake att lyfta (fast det står på engelska).

    Simma lugnt!!/Milla
