Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

måndag 1 augusti 2011

From Oslo with love

The awful event 22 juli really showed how one single person can have a massive effect on a larger scale. If you live by the rule "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" the world would quickly get both blind and toothless. Let instead this tragedy teach you that what you do have an impact, even if you are one single person. And if one single person can get that much evil done in just a few hours, then of course you can do the same amount of good in the same amount of time. Imagine what would happen to the world if you set your intentions and really dedicate yourself to peace and love.

Gandhi said:

"Be the change you want to see in the world."

Take this powerful message to your heart and live it. I will.

1 kommentar:

  1. Milla! Jag blir nästan tårögd. Det är så fint sagt. Jag ska verkligen försöka manifestera det!
    Kram Maria
