Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

måndag 6 juni 2011

Groove on!

There is this swedish song that children often sings the last day in school before their summer holidays, the lyrics goes kind of something like:

There will not be any summer if nobody gets a move on and make it happen!
Well, this year summer had a starting point: 1st june. And a place: Port Du Soleil. And now we had set the standard for this summer:

It´s going to be hot, sweaty and spiced with circus!!

On the other side of these curtains and really tall guys the summer begins...

My summer hang out. L.O.V.E.

Get your groove pants on and join us on the summer side!!

One day after the circus-summer begun the yoga-summer took off with playful

Yoga Games!

Proud, excited and maybe a bit crazy AcroME teaching at the first Yoga Games ever!
So now summer is finaly here.

Thank you everyone that made it happen!!

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