Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

lördag 2 juni 2012

Costume disaster!

31 may was the the end of spring and begining of summer. At least at the Gothenburg nightclub scene. Theme for the evening was as simple as GOLD. Everybody that works and performs should be dressed in gold. Simple as that. Just that I don't have a gold-costume for aerial so I asked Mats Lysell, brilliant cosume designer, to make one for me.
29 may ML call me and with a slight hint of stress in his voice he tells me that the fabric that he has ordered from London is somewhere i Germany he will not get it in time to make me a new costume. No worries. I have two days to fix something else. So I go for plan B. Simple as that.
Plan B turnes out to be a golden corset bra, white unitard (that I intend to use as tights) and a pair of gold-net trousers.
Thursday, on set, directly from yogaclasses I become very aware of the fact that the only underwear that I have with me is the pair I'm wearing - a pair of black string panties... Black string under a white thight unitard is not an option so I go, I think the term is, comando. Not to worry, I calm myself, you will have the gold-net trousers over. Nothing will show. Simple as that.
I did'nt have time to try the corset bra on when I bought it and when I put it on it's way to decolletee and I know - without trying - that everytime I turn myself upside down my boobs will fall out. Not to worry, I calm myself, just wear a gold bikini top under. No-one will notice that it's not the same shade of gold. Simple as that.
I'm not very pleased with how I look and I'm not very keen on feeling like that. But it is what it is.
So up I go.
And just as predicted, everytime I go upside down my boobs fall out of the corset. So upside down I'm wearing a under the bust corset with a gold bikini and right side up I'm wearing a corset bra. I feel like I'm performing a peep/aerial show.
Two minutes later it goes from bad to worse. My gold-net trousers are not made for aerial or any other kind of acrobatics so ritch ratch and I have a big hole from the back of my waist all the way down my but.
What to do? Do I jump down and walk around in torn trousers or do I try to take them off while still performing?
So up in the air, above a thousand people I take my torn gold-net pants off. As my performance moves from peep show to striptease I'm wondering what to do with the pants? Should I try to hide them inside my aerial net somewhere? Should I give them to the bartender that is serving drinks below me? Should I try to throw them far, far away? I tie them in a bow around my left ankle and leave them there as a part of my costume and keep on moving.
Simple as that.

To put it as my dear friend, co-worker and acropartner Elaine Rydberg does;
What does'nt kill you...
F**K me sideways! That night made me s.t.r.o.n.g.

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