Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

söndag 17 juni 2012

No rest for the wicked!!

I know what I've been aiming for and right now I'm standing in the middle of it!
It's long days of hard work, obsessive training and creative interaction with amazing people. Lack of sleep and days on set with food that I hoped to be different is a price that I'm happy to pay. That I'm constantly pushed out of my comfort zone is the absolut definition of what I'm been walking, running and sometimes in slightly less convinced moments, crawling towards.
Today, after three amazing days, it's no question that I have a body in need of rest. I hurt everywhere, even my voice is sore - probably from all the laughing I did yesterday.
Thursday it was me and the ceiling at Port du Soleil.
I left the nightclub at 02, went home for a shower and jumped into the car for a drive to Oslo and Defy Gravity yogawings. Co-teaching with my friend Ivy, who's having a baby in 5 weeks!!
 After a day of yogawings work shop I parked my butt on the bus back to Gothenburg. At midnight I arrived back home and went straight to bed. 10 hours later I was on set at Stora Holm preparing for a whole day of birthday celibration. Honda MC 50th birthday!!
There aint no rest for the wicked. And I hope it stays that way!!

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