Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

tisdag 10 juli 2012

Acroliving in Montreal

A week in my stay in Montreal and all that comes with 9 hours of practice every day and sharing a small space with two friends I have to admit that it's even more awesome than I thought it would be.

First there is the impact of Montreal and the people that live here. Not only the ones that work at the studio were the training is at, but everybody are super nice! You expect that your teachers are going to be more or less nice to you as it's a part of their job description if nothing else. But when complete strangers come up to you on the street, not to rob you on neither energy or belongings, just to be nice to you – that's a new for me.

Second there is the living together. I'm a very private person. I need my space and time for myself. Luckily both E and P are the same so they don't force me to have pyjamaparty and paint each others toenails every single evening. But we have our daily check of highs and lows and laugh about all things that kind of get lost in translation.

The training is tough, but not to tough. It's just about tough enough =)

Definite high as far as the training is the creative process, a part of the education when we create our own flows, moves and adjusts.
Definite low is all the surya namaskaras. Everybody that ever has been in one of my classes and asked for sun salutes has got the answer ”White girls don't jump.” Witch is a stupid answer that refers to that I'm bad at jumping. It also means that I rarely do suryas at my classes. I'm more into creating flows and vinyasas that keep the students and myself interested and curious to know what comes next. But I can estimate the meditative (putting to sleep) effect that comes along with doing the same thing over and over again.

Keep on playing.

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