Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

söndag 20 januari 2013

Just People

A friend of mine, who is an amazing photagrapher, is working on a (photo) exhibition and an associated (photo) book called "Just People". For this she has gathered 50 women and 50 men who all is passionate about something.
I'm one of the women, above you can see a small part from "my" picture.
Along with the picture comes a text, writen by the model, and I want to share my text with you:

The times in my life when I've lost loves or buried friends are also the times when I have chosed to grow as a person. Somtimes for myself and sometimes in honor of what I've lost.
A kite needs contruary winds to get into air and I, like a straw of grass that has the power to grow through concrete, have learned to grow in the presence of resistence.

My passion is to live my life to the fullest.

2 kommentarer:

  1. And so long as you haven´t experienced
    this: to die and so to grow,
    you are only a troubled guest
    on the dark earth.

    Goethe, "The Holy Longing"

    Thank you Milla for sharing "Just People". Have you ever tried the meditation "Dying Before You Die" lying in Savasana?


  2. The text matches perfect the picture! It will be a great one and hopefully people will stay in front and give it some thoughts! Thank you for being part in this project Milla! It's always nice working with you! :-)
