Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

torsdag 31 januari 2013

Phase me back!!

I have been totally out of phase lately.
A few days ago I had a really busy morning with stable, practice, teacing and picking up tickets at the opera. I had to plan my schedule so tight that there were no time for swinging by home for a change of clothes or a snack. So everything was packed.
When I got to my last change of clothes, after I've been to the stable and done my practice, I realise that in my bag there is: one knitted sweater, one pair of long johns and one really old flabby top.
So I teach wearing long johns, an old green nike top and a really nice looking but very warm knitted sweater.
Picking up the tickets for the opera naturally I run into my old boss from performing in Tosca last year, still in my long johns.
Lets just say that that was not one of my best moments...
The day before yesterday I was totally out of phase with time. I had calculated 15 minutes for a 45 minute drive. Don't ask my what went wrong in my brain when I made that plan but it was defently something, and that something had me chasing for my ”lost” 30 minutes for the rest of the day.
Now I'm, luckily!!, on the train for Stockholm. But instead of arriving with a decent amount of coffee in my system and possibly looking stunning I am a sweaty mess. Whitout that dubble latte with extra shots of espresso that I been yearning for all morning. Why? Beacause I left home without my wallet and had to run (in heels) back to get it!

I blame it on the moon. It's so nice of her to be consantly present to blame for what ever that does'nt work out and I hope that this train ride will phase me back with time, space and brain =)

And yes, I know that yoga schedule to the right is ancient. As soon as I back in phase I'll get it up to date. Promise.

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