Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

torsdag 27 september 2012

One of those days.

Yesterday when I woke up I had a headache and a cold sore happening.
Went on with my morningroutine and then drove to the stable to hang out with the coolest pony in the world.
When I got there the coolest pony in the world where walking on three legs. Not that cool. Luckily I reached a farrier that just got cancellation from one of her costumers/patients so she came right away. Lucky me and lucky pony!
The farrier cuts the hoof open to puncture the abscess inside and then she wraps the hoof in plaster. The plaster is not aloud to get wet. Anyone that ever broken a bone know this. My pony has never had anything in plaster before and doesent know this. 20 minutes later when he is not in excessive pain anymore and almost able to stand on all four legs he sees absolutley no reson to stay inside to keep dry for the next 4 or 5 days.
Getting back home, I've missed my lunch and my practice but I feel lucky because everything turned out as well as it possible could under the circumstances.
To get to my appartment you have to walk up two stairs. I walked up one and a half when I realised that I don't have any keys in my pockets. They have to be in the stable. So back into the car, drive the 40 km one way to see if I forgot the keys there.
No keys found in the stable. Some extra apples for the freedom loving pony who has house arrest, back into the car and drive the 40 km home.
At this point I start teaching in 45 minutes. I have no keys home. I'm dressed for stable, not for yoga. I have no keys to the studio where I'm teaching my first class for the evening. So while I'm driving I'm phoning (sorry mom) to find spare keys to the studio, borrow some clothes to work in and have a place to sleep. Everything works out! I have amazing family, friends and co-workers!!
I swing by my place just to make sure that I did'nt leave the keys in the lock. Walking up the two stairs, not one and a half that I did 70 minutes earlier, there's the keys!! Still hanging in my door!!

I don't surf, but I imagine this events a little bit like surfing. You get up on the board, it's windy, you fall over and thats okey. That's a part of the dance.

When I got to bed yesterday the headache where still there, but had'nt got worse. The cold sore were still there, it had got worse. A had a pony. An outdoors loving one who has to be inside for a few days, but getting painfree. I have a lovley home and if I get locked out I have family and friends ready to borrow me clothes and a couch!

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