Aerial Acrobat & Yogini

lördag 9 mars 2013

My friend Hanna.

My friend Hanna had her own clothing brand, traveled all the time, worked with designing and oversea contacts during the nights instead of sleeping and the text below is her facebook status from the otherday, explaning were she's been the last couple of months.

Some of u know that I have had a rough time during the past XX months,there's been loads of questions:
Where the fuck did I move? Why don't I answer to calls and texts? What do I do nowadays? Did I stop selling clothes completely?

Have I become a total bore - stopped going to gigs and drinking beer? ... and who is that dude ...
with long hair that I hang with?
So I guess it´s time for some kind of public statement

Since this summer life has been both heaven and hell, gone trough some heavy shit and made some poor decisions.

I was beyond tired all the time, felt like my mind had been plugged out and struggled to do even the most basic tasks.
Some days fine and other days not getting out of bed.

Took me a while but seeked care.The diagnosis? - U´ve hit the wall! No shit. But, more surprisingly - turns out I had a heart attack...
Yep at age 29, ain´t kidding, wish I was. This was now 4 months ago, I´m better now but still not well, on sick leave (is that a word in English btw?) for another 6 months.

On the good side - slowing down allowed me to meet an amazing new boyfriend, whom I fall more and more in love with for each day. I feel truly grateful for the
support from my friends, family and loose acquainted folks, even experienced the kindness of random strangers. This has helped a lot, with out it chances are that i wouldn´t have made it.

I now live with my mum close to the sea outside of Falkenberg, sleeps a good 10h each night, make few plans and have minimized the ever present to-do list.
Still having some really shitty days, but slowly starting to become human again.

OK, end of this novel, moral of the story: - Don´t be as stupidly stubborn as i was.
To all of my fantastic, creative, hard working friends, please take good care of yourself !!

I have Hannas permission to use her words here since we both want to put some spotlight on the fact that women don't have the same symtoms as men if they have a heart attack and it can actualy get to late to slow down. Luckily it was'nt to late for Hanna.

What if you only have one life?

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